T-XT | Testosterone Cypionate & Propionate 400mg/ml 10ml




General product data Product name T-XT Active substance Testosterone Cypionate 300mg/ml & Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml Main benefits Increased muscle mass, strength, endurance, and recovery Presentation Vial with 10ml Laboratory XT Labs Public price for Mexico $690 Description of the active substance Testosterone is a hormone produced naturally by the human body, it is responsible for the balanced development, maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in men (deepening of the voice, broadening of the shoulders, and growth of facial and body hair ). That is why its use in women is not recommended if you do not want to run the risk of obtaining these characteristics. Testosterone is also required by the human body for bone density, sexual libido, fat distribution, and red blood cell production. Testosterone Cypionate is a slow release form of Testosterone, the first version of Testosterone that was synthesized, the suspension, even had to be injected several times a day, this is not a problem with the Cypionate version, which should only be injected once a week. Testo cypionate is practically the same as testo enanthate, except that the latter is more available and is more widely used in the medical field. Testosterone propionate was the second form of testosterone synthesized in the world thanks to Schering laboratories, unlike its previous version (testo in suspension), propionate did not have to be injected as many times a day, which was an advantage. It lost its popularity when enanthate and cypionate testosterones came along that needed to be injected even less frequently.It is still very popular among bodybuilders because the fluid retention present with the use of this type of testosterone is less than that caused by slow-release testosterones. For this reason it is the preferred option if muscle definition is the goal. XT Labs' T-XT product contains 300 milligrams of Testosterone Cypionate, and 100mg of Testopropionate per milliliter, this blend (also called Testosterone Cyclopentylpropionate) gives the benefit of fast acting Propionate as well as extended release of Cypionate, somewhat similar to bra. The use of this hormone in amounts greater than that produced naturally gives almost permanent results, easier to maintain than with other stronger steroids such as dianabol (methandienone). Among what can be achieved are gains in terms of muscle function, amount of muscle mass, strength, endurance, and ability to handle intense training. The above qualities are achieved due to an increase in the degree of recovery of the muscles of the human body. Testosterone has the ability to reduce the hormone cortisol, responsible for fat accumulation and muscle catabolism. The increase in the red blood cell count allows more oxygen to enter the blood, which increases training capacities. And lastly, there is a higher protein synthesis in the body, so more muscle can be built from this. It is the most versatile of all anabolic steroids. Many of the other steroids out there are derivatives of testosterone. Side effects When using testosterone exogenously, the body decreases its own production to try to have a balance so that there is not as much testosterone in the body. In fact, it is for this very reason that some steroids aromatize to estrogen, to keep the balance of androgens and estrogens level.This decrease in natural testosterone production will return to normal once use is discontinued, however, post-cycle therapy is necessary to help bring this production back to normal quickly, so you don't spend too much time on a low testosterone state. The side effects of testosterone are mainly due to its conversion to estrogen by the human body. To avoid adverse effects such as fluid retention, high blood pressure, mood swings or even gynecomastia, it is a good idea to take an anti-estrogen such as tamoxifen (nolvadex) or arimidex (anastrozole) and in this way the side effects of estrogen will easily disappear. this nature. Testosterone is not as highly androgenic as other steroids where acne or hair loss is more likely, but this is largely determined by whether or not a person is prone to these symptoms, and they can be reduced as well. or disappear if the dose is adjusted correctly in the body. Form of use If you want to take advantage of the short and long durations of testosterone circulating in the body with this mixture of cypionate and propionate, in order to have stronger and faster anabolic effects, then the product should be injected from 100mg to 250mg, from 2 to 3 times a week. Giving a single injection a week containing the same amount as all the 2 or 3 weekly injections put together would also give good results.


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